The Pentera Blog

The 3 Key Words That Can Motivate Donors

Taking your organization to a new level in transformational planned giving may require a closer look at words such as "inspire," "transformation," and "legacy." What does it mean to inspire your donors? What motivates someone to make a transformational gift? What legacy do your donors want to leave? While these words may sound vague and fuzzy compared to the nuts of bolts of specific charitable gift plan options, the concepts are worth exploring. Why? Because donors who feel inspired by your organization's mission are the donors who may someday make transformational legacy gifts.

According to Merriam-Webster dictionaries, the definitions are as follows:

Inspire: to influence, move, or guide; to motivate. For example, "her book inspired a visit to the cathedral."
Legacy: something transmitted or received from a predecessor. For example, "a parent leaving a child a legacy of love."
Transform/Transformation: to change; an act, process, or instance of transforming. For example, "to transform liquid into gas."

How does this knowledge translate into usable information for your planned giving efforts?

First, when communicating with donors, always keep your mission in mind. Does your mission serve to inspire? What is your organizational story? Is your message one of hope? Is your story about achieving excellence?

Second, consider the needs of your donors. Why should they give to your organization and what intrinsic value do they receive in return? What motivates donors to support your organization? What legacy do they want to leave?

Finally, how does a gift to your organization change the lives of others? How are lives transformed? Be sure to communicate with donors the impact of their gifts. You can do so through testimonial stories, organizational success stories, and on-going celebrations of significant achievements.

When you fully appreciate the meanings behind these powerful words, you have the ability to communicate a planned giving message that encourages meaningful donor gifts - the type of gifts that make a difference in the world and enhance the lives of future generations.

For top-quality planned giving communication strategies that can help you achieve your goals, contact us today.