The Pentera Blog

Does Your Home Page Leave Your Donors Stranded?

Your planned giving home page is your first, and sometimes your only, opportunity to capture the attention of your potential donors. It's an opportunity to briefly introduce your institution's mission, and most important provide your visitors with options to navigate the rest of your site.

Your planned giving home page should essentially operate like a road map, designed to easily guide your potential donors to the information in your site that directly applies to them. So the information they encounter when first visiting your site should be brief, easy to scan, and up to date. Including too much text or a lengthy welcome letter is like putting up a road block, especially when it requires the visitor to scroll. It leaves your potential donors with no visible options and no indication of what to do next. By clearly placing visually engaging feature items on your home page "above the fold," that is, the area visible before you're required to scroll down the page, you tell your viewers exactly how to use your planned giving Web site and what they can do next, which in turn will increase the traffic to interior pages of your site.

For more information about Pentera's donor-centric Web sites please visit, email, or call 317-875-0910 x251.