Pentera CEO Presents Research Study Findings at PGGNE Meeting

The Pentera Blog

Pentera CEO Presents Research Study Findings at PGGNE Meeting

Pentera was pleased to sponsor the recent meeting of the Planned Giving Group of New England held in Boston. More than 150 planned giving professionals attended the meeting, which featured Claudine Donikian, president and CEO of Pentera, as the speaker. Claudine presented the findings of the groundbreaking research study of planned giving that was initiated and funded by Pentera and conducted by the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. The 2016 Planned Giving Study provides important new information about actual donors of actual planned gifts and offers helpful recommendations for planned giving programs.

Claudine explained one of the key findings regarding the 80/20 rule of fundraising. She told the audience that the 80/20 rule applies, with 82% of the planned giving funds coming from the top 20% of donors. But the study also found that a significant amount of money—more than $330 million—came from the middle group of donors (between the top 20% and the bottom 50%). She cautioned that ignoring those donors—like by leaving them off your mailing lists—is leaving money on the table.

Photo of the Pentera booth
Pentera’s exhibit booth includes handouts on the research.

PGGNE President Lynn Neligan introduced Claudine.
PGGNE President Lynn Neligan introduced Claudine.

Claudine shared the research study with the planned giving professionals
Claudine shared the research study with the planned giving professionals.

Claudine shared the research study with the planned giving professionals Claudine explained a key finding regarding the 80/20 rule of fundraising.

PPGNE President Lynn Neligan thanked Claudine
PPGNE President Lynn Neligan thanked Claudine for her presentation and for Pentera’s support for the organization.