Pentera Gift-Planning Webinar Feb. 20 Features Pamela Davidson

The Pentera Blog

Pentera Gift-Planning Webinar Feb. 20 Features Pamela Davidson

Nationally known speaker Pamela Davidson will present a Pentera Webinar Feb. 20 titled "Integrating Gift Planning with Major Gifts."

"Gift planning is now part of major gift fundraising in most large nonprofits, and major gift officers have many opportunities to help with gift planning," Ms. Davidson said. "The major gift officers get to listen to the reasons donor prospects give for not making a cash gift of a certain amount - and then the major gift officer can suggest gifts other than cash."

The session will discuss concrete suggestions for gift plans, including giving appreciated stock, outright gifts like the IRA charitable rollover, a percentage designation of a retirement plan, and charitable trusts.

You can sign up for the Webinar here. As many people at your organization may attend as you would like by sharing a computer or by projecting the Webinar in a conference room.

Ms. Davidson - who is renowned as a dynamic speaker and presents at many national conferences - is president of Davidson Gift Design, an Indiana consulting firm specializing in all aspects of gift planning and training. She is also a senior vice president for Thompson & Associates, offering estate-planning services to nonprofits. She was with the Indiana University Foundation for more than a decade, leaving as its executive director of planned giving and its associate counsel. She has been an examiner in the estate and gift tax division of the Internal Revenue Service and practiced law in Indianapolis. She graduated magna cum laude from the Indiana University School of Law.