Pentera Webinar Offers Research-Based Tips for Legacy Fundraising

The Pentera Blog

Pentera Webinar Offers Research-Based Tips for Legacy Fundraising

Want the biggest possible crowd at your next planned giving seminar? Don’t lead with death!

That’s just one of the tips offered by Texas Tech Professor Russell James, an expert in charitable fundraising whose work has been published in more than 40 peer-reviewed scientific journals. James hosted a Pentera webinar last fall.

As James says, using the words “estate planning” when advertising your next seminar reminds potential donors they are going to die, which, naturally, dampens their enthusiasm to attend. A better approach, James says, is to advertise the seminar highlighting other topics, such as “senior concerns,” “smart tax planning,” or current hot-button issues in the news. Then, after your audience is comfortably engaged, you can subtly introduce legacy planning.

Avoiding “death” is not always the best approach, however. Research has shown that, once the topic of mortality is broached to an audience, it can inspire them to start considering their own “symbolic immortality” where their values and priorities outlive them far into the future through a bequest or trust.

These are just two of the topics James addresses in his talk, Top Ten Legacy Fundraising Strategies from Scientific Research: National Data and Results from the Lab. Others include the importance of establishing giving as a “social norm” to potential donors, encouraging tribute gifts, and the value of using familiar language as opposed to insider lingo when talking about estate planning.

James’ principles are supported by survey data, focus groups, and even hi-tech brain scanning. You can view his 60-minute webinar by clicking here.