Survey Finds Broad Support for Mandatory Foundation and DAF Payouts

The Pentera Blog

Survey Finds Broad Support for Mandatory Foundation and DAF Payouts

In the current political climate, you might assume Americans on the right and left of the political spectrum share little common ground. But, according to a new study by the progressive Institute for Policy Studies, most Americans, regardless of ideological bent, support stricter payout rules for private foundations and donor-advised funds (DAFs).

According to the study, Americans of all political stripes would support increasing mandatory payouts from private foundations from 5% to 10% annually. It also found Americans strongly support payout requirements for donor-advised funds, which currently have no such legal mandates.

"Not only do Americans support a higher payout, they support a relatively short timeline for grant-making. Half of those surveyed want DAFs to make grants within just two years of receiving funds. And 72% want the payout within five years," the report states.

The survey, based on an Ipsos survey of 1,000 people, also found strong support across the political spectrum for the charitable sector in general alongside widespread skepticism concerning taxpayer subsidies for wealthy donors. Given the statement, "U.S. taxpayers should not have to subsidize billionaires and other wealthy Americans who wish to create permanent legacy foundations that will exist in perpetuity to give donations to charities of their choosing," 90% identifying as Republican or conservative agreed with the statement, while 80% of those identifying as Democratic or liberal agreed.

The Institute for Policy Studies is a multi-issue think tank based in Washington, D.C. You can read more about their survey here.