Whitepaper: Planned Giving Strategies
for Women and Men During Retirement Years

Planned Giving Strategies for Women and Men During Retirement Years

Get Pentera’s 12 Planned Giving Marketing Strategies for the Study Findings

Pentera and the Women’s Philanthropy Institute recently presented new research funded by the Gates Foundation on gender, philanthropy, and retirement. The sold-out Webinar included implications for planned giving.

The findings answer these key questions about charitable giving:

  • Do men and women maintain their charitable giving after retirement, especially compared to other types of spending?
  • Around retirement, are single women and married couples more likely to give and give more than single men?
  • Around retirement, is giving by single women and married couples more stable than giving by single men?

Find out the answers to these questions and read all 12 planned giving marketing strategies in our whitepaper.

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