The Pentera Blog

Do You Keep Your Donors Waiting?

If you lived through the '70s, '80s, or '90s, chances are you've seen the following scenario depicted in television shows and movies multiple times: a teenager sits by the phone, waiting for someone to call, agonizing over when it would happen, and hoping that by concentrating hard enough, he or she can will the phone to ring.

While your donors are probably not sitting by the phone (or their mailbox) agonizing over when they will hear from you, based on the pattern of your past marketing pieces they can come to expect your communications at regular times throughout the year. Just like the teenager, keeping your potential donors waiting for those communications can make those donors feel unimportant or, even worse, make them apathetic to your message and your mission.

Establishing a predictable marketing schedule by regularly delivering informative marketing pieces, such as planned giving newsletters, postcards, and eNewsletters, to your prospects not only allows you to educate your donors on the different ways to give to your organization, but it also shows that you care about their continued loyalty and dedication. As your potential donors come to expect your communications, especially around regular times when they need charitable planning ideas, they can grow to depend on you as a valuable source of information.

For more information on how you can develop or grow your current marketing schedule, visit or call us at (317) 875-0910 x251.