The Pentera Blog

The Pyramid Approach to Planned Giving Marketing

by Douglas A. Weaver, CFP, Vice President, Business Development

The most cost-effective means of marketing your planned giving program with the greatest success looks like a pyramid:

The base of the pyramid is a large, broad audience of general prospects who have not given much (or perhaps anything) at this point. For example, this group might include sporadic annual-fund givers. You reach out to this large group less often through cost-effective methods such as planned giving postcards and eMail–brief e-blasts on tax law changes, year-end giving, that sort of thing. Let's say the postcard gives them the opportunity to begin receiving your newsletter or a more detailed publication. If they opt in, they move into ...

The middle of the pyramid: These are a smaller group of more qualified prospects. They usually fit into your targeted age group and demographic, and they often have a history of giving. Subsequently you target them more. In addition to receiving postcards, they receive your planned giving newsletter. In addition to the brief e-blasts, they receive your eNewsletter. Your goal is to move some of these folks to ...

The top of the pyramid: This is the smallest group–donors who have made planned gifts or have a history of making annual- and major-fund gifts time and again. They're your most qualified prospects. You spend the most time and money reaching out to them. In addition to the newsletter and postcard from your organization, they receive invitations to special events, and phone calls and personal letters from you. In addition to the brief e-blasts and eNewsletter, you send them personal e-mails. With all communications, you keep cultivating and refining their relationship with your organization in the hopes of getting more planned gifts.

Helping prospects "climb" up this pyramid takes careful planning, endurance, and a lot of dedication. But with perseverance, your efforts and their continued loyalty will provide a valuable payoff at the end of your journey together: an enduring legacy for your donor and continued support for your organization.

For additional ideas and strategies for marketing your planned giving program, please call Pentera at (317) 875-0910 or visit our Web site at