The Pentera Blog

Is Your Web Site Counting the Wrong Visitors?

How many times have you visited a Web site only to quickly leave after realizing it's not what you're looking for? Even though you may not have been on that Web site for more than 10 seconds, your visit is still tracked within the site's analytics possibly distorting how the site's traffic is perceived. So how can you weed out those accidental visitors?

By tracking the number of visitors who enter and leave on the same page, your bounce rate is a great indicator of the quality of the traffic coming to your planned giving Web site. These could be visitors who were not engaged by your site's information, did not delve deeper into your content by visiting another page and therefore are probably not potential donors using your site as a resource.

While there are instances where a high bounce rate can be expected for a short period of time, such as directing readers to a specific page on your site from your eNewsletter or other e-communication, a consistent high bounce rate over an extended period of time, may indicate potential usability issues with your Web site.

For more information about Pentera's planned giving Web sites and how we help our clients interpret Web analytics, please call 317.875.0910 x251, visit our Web site at, or e-mail us at