The Pentera Blog

New Pentera President Brings Cutting-Edge Technology and Marketing Skills

Claudine A. Donikian, JD, MBA, was formally named the new president of nationally renowned full-service planned giving marketing communications firm Pentera, Inc. in early October.

She was appointed leader of the 35-year-old company by André R. Donikian, JD, who now moves into the role of chairman and founder, where he will continue with his consulting, extensive speaking engagements, and trainings across the country. To André, Claudine's presidency reflects a concept he has advocated to clients, especially business owners, for years: succession planning. "As anyone in this industry knows, good succession plans quite simply require planning, and this situation is no different. I'm practicing what I preach and thinking ahead," he said.

With the younger Donikian taking over, the latest innovative strategies in marketing and use of technology will enhance a rich planned-giving legacy for the 35-year-old company.

André's Statement - Succession Planning
"Claudine is a true leader with vast knowledge of our company and industry. She has thoroughly prepared for this move over the last several years, and in fact has acted as president for the past two, so this is formalizing what she's already proven she can do," said André. "Her talents are in change and innovation, and the company has flourished under her direction as she's taken Pentera from a publishing company to a marketing company. I am fully confident that she is very well prepared to meet the two biggest challenges of today's environment: marketing and technology. And her relentless focus on spotting trends and anticipating client needs will ensure Pentera's success well into the future."

Since joining Pentera in 2001, Claudine has held a number of key leadership positions. From 2001 to the present, she has been the top-performing new business development professional. In 2006, she began to direct the company's own marketing as well as marketing materials for Pentera's clients and has increased revenues substantially with new-product development and creative approaches to messaging and marketing planned giving.

In the past two years, Claudine has completely revamped the interactive Web and eMarketing departments, and as a result the company has seen dramatic growth with the tripling of the size and client base of each department.

In addition, as acting president Claudine hired and trained representatives to focus on new-business development and has personally hired and on-boarded all the new staff members in each department in the last two years. She also travels around the country to speak at planned giving councils and AFP events. "Claudine is all-around very competent, and she is also an excellent speaker," noted André.

Robert L. Coffman, JD, ACGA board member and senior writer on the team of legal experts who write Pentera's planned giving content for clients, said,

"Claudine's preparation both in law and in business, coupled with her international experience, makes her uniquely prepared to extend the legacy of one of the true pioneers in planned giving."

A New Vision for Pentera, Inc.
Claudine will continue to be a huge change agent in the use of cutting-edge technology and marketing strategies at Pentera. At the same time she has a tremendous respect and appreciation for the foundation and core values André established for the company.

"I look forward to carrying on the 35-year tradition that Pentera has established in the planned-giving profession," Claudine said. "I will carry on the promise that we are built on - integrity. Pentera is well-regarded for being honest in every aspect of business and marketing. We deeply respect our clients and their missions, and so they trust us."

And she always keeps in mind something her father, André, once told her: "First and foremost, what we do at Pentera serves a higher purpose - don't ever forget that."

"That really sums up what Pentera stands for," Claudine said. "I will continue to focus on innovation, and the concept of integrity is equally important as it is a core piece of the company's culture. I am committed to seeing Pentera carrying that concept well into the future."