The Pentera Blog

What's Driving Online Giving? The Answer May Surprise You...

Your organization's Web site can be a valuable tool to educate, motivate and, most important, communicate with your donors about how they can make a gift to your organization and support your mission. Recently, more and more organizations are also using their planned giving Web sites as a simple, convenient tool for donors to submit gifts online.

But what drives a donor to make a gift through your Web site? According to a recent national study conducted by Dunham+Company, a strategic consulting company in Plano, Texas, the answer to that question is direct mail. The study explains that more than twice as many donors who made an online gift did so when prompted by a direct-mail appeal compared to when they received an e-communication, such as an eNewsletter.

While the study reveals that the majority of donors over the age of 65 do still prefer to make gifts by mail, it also explains that one in four Boomers are turning to online giving in response to direct-mail marketing pieces. The study also explains that those online donors are likely to represent a high-income household, with nearly half of those households surveyed making $75,000 or more saying they would make a gift through an organization's Web site.

While your planned giving Web site and e-communications can offer your donors easy, immediate sources of information, donors still respond to the time-tested direct-mail approach; and each individual marketing piece is never more powerful than when used as a component of your overall integrated marketing campaign.

For more information about Pentera's integrated marketing plans involving direct-mail, Web sites, and eMarketing, please visit, e-mail, or call 317-875-0910 x251.